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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Handycraft Puppy walks on "two legs"

Many dogs can perform two legs walking skill an show,but in american,there's one puppy name:"FAITH",forevering walks on two legs.

FAITH was born in year 2002 on the day just before christmas,it only has three legs since it was born,which is two normal hint legs but one abnormal front leg.

In the end,the front leg was beeing cut off by a vet.from the beginning,Faith can only laid on ground and used the remainning two legs to push its body,in order to move.Faith's mother dog thinks he is such weak,and refuse to feed him milk.

Faith's first master had ever thought of letting him to die in piece.Luckily,he got a new master,who is willing to adopt him and take care of him.his new master thought that:since the God gave him just too legs,then he should be able to live with two legs.Under new master's trainning.Faith finally became a dog who walks on two legs.....